goblingirl avatar
2 years ago

Budgeting spreadsheet

This one’s kind of complicated, but here goes… it’s the best way I’ve found to keep track. ———————— Blue = savings expected to have that week (top cell + 50, then + 100) Next column: green = potential additional income, red = expected additional spending “Cash post pay” = money currently in bank account + pay for that week - expenses I have to pay that week. *for following weeks, it calls on the cell above* ***this column calls on all the other columns to the right of it*** Date column Income after taxes and savings (I don’t get paid on holidays as a contractor, and it goes down later cus I’ll start benefits) Then, columns for all my regular spending - rent, loans, subscriptions, and credit card payments, and when they’re due. —————————— This way, I can see when I’ll be short (this month) or when I’ll catch a break (September for example), and when to be better about spending. I finally have savings now and am trying to sell my car cus I live in the city and would rather discipline myself and bus, and be able to travel by plane, than stress :) Hope this helps someone!

Budgeting spreadsheet
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