Ryevlantheditz avatar
11 months ago

Executive Dysfunction at its finest

Does anyone else have trouble prioritizing and balancing even the simplest of tasks? I will juggle between prioritizing two very simple things for about the time it would take me to complete them. How would you combat this?

mrmatt33 avatar

I have been writing things down in my phone and then just doing it. This app helps tbh I can’t lie I look at my list of stuff and am like fuck I haven’t done this and this and this lmao 🤣 I’m chill with myself about it though and say to myself well I did get this done atleast… Perspective and self talk I think is so important for our mental health and happiness.

keihra avatar

I do and that’s why I have been using this app. I am a people pleaser so I imagine the task I am doing is for someone else and it sometimes makes it easier.

Raych32 avatar

Yes. I'm horrible about it. Even changing my sheets (which I timed and takes 6 minutes) but I can't possibly change them regularly. I'll even tell myself they should be changed. But still. Nope

bubblesbling avatar

Oh also I recently started using an Eisenhower Matrix app which had helped a lot!

bubblesbling avatar

Yep!! I also get really bad decision paralysis because i have this fear of not doing everything perfectly and in the right order that is most efficient (oh how ironic!)... like if my list says buy cereal and that's it.. I'm standing there in the aisle sweating over every option and the nutritional content vs cost per scoop like I'm trying to figure out which wire to cut on planet killer bomb!! It's a life or wrong cereal decision.. 🥣💣

Ryevlantheditz avatar

This! Decision paralysis is a perfect name.

jellybeanqueen avatar

Ah yes, decision fatigue. I buy the boring cereal on purpose and buy the same cereal every time to reduce decision fatigue. It’s Honey Nut Cheerios. But during the week I usually have a box of frozen breakfast sandwiches. I just heat them up to feed myself, my husband, and son a quick hot meal. I put them on paper plates or use paper towels wrapped around them in the microwave so I don’t have extra dishes in the morning. Keep it as simple as possible.

firefly avatar

Yep, day in and day out. And then I do something that’s not on the list,, so there’s nothing to cross off. Admittedly, I have added a task to a list only to cross it off right away so that I have some sense of achievement.

Ryevlantheditz avatar

I do this ALL. THE. TIME. But if it releases dopamine I'll gladly continue the pointless task.

adhdatitsfinest avatar

OMG YES! I haven’t found a way to combat this but anything’s worth a shot!

missmadison avatar

I have this issue as well. As Nikkiboo said, the things I struggle to prioritize are really items that don’t need to be completed in a specific order. It’s like we have a tendency to try to organize every little thing in a form of over compensation and suddenly we are crippled by the effort. The only thing that works for me is, “Is this task time-sensitive? (Does it have a deadline?)”. This is for things like feeding pets, submitting paperwork, etc. External deadlines. Those come first. Everything else is just, “don’t think, just do”. Sure there may be an ideal order to accomplishing the tasks, but spiraling on what to do first eats more time than completing them in an inefficient order. 🤷‍♀️ And yes, it’s like talking to yourself like a coach. Just be a nice coach 💕 you are doing your best

missmadison avatar

Buff brains for over thinking 💪😂

Ryevlantheditz avatar

The time sensitive thing is something I try to practice myself- and it definitely helps. Usually those are tasks I have written down with reminders so that is immensely helpful as well. I really do think the coach idea is great. Not really thinking just DOING. Overthinking is my specialty

ohmu. avatar

Yeah. It's really hard to weigh different tasks against eachother. This is true for me when it comes to rules as well. Could be my autistic tendencies 🤷


YES! And it leads to the SAME dreaded feeling of disappointment after it’s alllll said and done. I truly believe in self talk being so so important. And I spend a lot of time by myself. I have been working on this the pst few weeks so this is very relevant to me rn. I’ve been continually telling myself to “just do it” “don’t think” just start moving my hands “get up” like I literally talk to my mind like I’m a coach or something. And honestly… it has not helped me prioritize a thing. HOWEVER… it has helped me actually get things done. And I found that the things I usually “prioritize” and not get done bc I spent so much time “prioritizing” which leads to etc etc. they aren’t even tasks that should be prioritized. I just did it so easily just bc I acted like I had to I had no choice. The level of accomplishment I feel by doing these small tasks and making them less big of deals then they really are.. has helped.

Ryevlantheditz avatar

I really appreciate this thank you! It seems like such a simple solution but when your brain is mush sometimes it’s difficult to find a solution so simple haha. I’ll bring out my inner coach and see what she can do

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