moor-rose avatar
4 months ago

Struggling with the basics

Hello! I'm new here and really looking forward to getting to know some of the socially active users ^^ I've started with a module on organisation, and the advice isn't new to me: start with one key habit and build on it slowly over time. But I don't feel like I can. I've never in my life managed to consistently follow a routine. I load myself up and burn out; after a crash, I do exactly the same thing again. But the crashes are becoming longer and more debilitating, so I know something has to change. It feels like transitioning between a disciplined and an undisciplined state takes more energy than just remaining in the disciplined state... so 'push, crash, push, crash' feels easier than pacing. Also, I don't know how to pick one thing when 20 things feel vital and urgent. Anyone been in a similar place? What did you do to move forward?

rainbowtoady avatar

Daily. Morning. Walks. For me this was life changing it gets me out of my space and creates a whole different vibe. Bonus points if in nature. I started in covid and never stopped - lost half a stone and kept it off. I’m telling you - go walk. Start there

PrincessLeya avatar

Im always daydreaming my tasks into something I like, for example I had to cut the garden "unkraut zupfen?" And pretended the thorns were battle droids from star wars lol

jamtart avatar

For me, starting with a small self-care thing every morning to start the day with a win has been how I’ve managed to avoid the usual cycle that you’ve described so well. It gives me a little dopamine hit I guess?

cbtisnice avatar

ADHDers brains aren't really made for building routines. Some ideas: - medication - try to make it desirable, think about why you actually want to do it, really try to make it pleasant or in a way that you can do it in an entertaining way - playing music or an audio book etc. while doing chores helps - keep it light and not overwhelming - external control or body doubling - reflect how things make you feel - I have a physical habit list with progress bars that I colour with colorful highlighters

Wilmohr1951 avatar

Hi, I have the same problem. Many big plans & I started or unfinished tasks. One way I got myself to tolerate if not enjoy taking my meds in the morning: I start reading something I don’t have to remember & because I have so little attention span I can jump up take a med & then go back to mindless reading until I’m bored or distracted, jump up & take another med & then go back to mindless reading till all my am meds are taken. By then I’m ready to move on to something else. It works to help me get started in the morning & is very compatible with my adhd.

KatyMc avatar

Oh my gosh I feel this so much! I’m so sorry you’re struggling.. I feel very similar.. I’m taking more notice of my cycles which is helping.. ebs and flows are a natural part of everything around us.. but also using Numo to help.. I put something that I do every day already as a task like ‘take tablets’ or ‘clean my teeth’.. then add 1 routine I want, like ‘enjoy a shower’ 😊 hope this helps! We do so much in the day already that I think adding these as tasks on Numo that we get to tick off and see that we did gives perspective or something..? I’m so sorry for my rambling! It’s bed time for me and my brain is fried 😂

saromi avatar

I am there too…I feel consciously knowing about this circle, is the first step out! Really listening to my body and being gentle on myself while also pushing myself to do something FOR ME! Getting help as much as possible like a cleaning helper would be a first step too I guess. Just catching ourselves as soon as possible, that’s discipline too, to notice when we go over our boundaries and stop right there and listen to what we truly need in that moment instead! ❤️

tomtomgo avatar

What helps me is intense breathing exercises. 60 to 80 inhalations. Breathe out completely. Hold for as long as I can. Breathing in one time, full lungs. Hold for 20 seconds and breathe out. Repeat 3 to 6 times. I see purple light and then I visualize my task. And go do it. After I finished my task I visualize my done task again. Ps: You can feel tingling sensations in your body. It’s normal. Hope it will help you too.

tomtomgo avatar

Yes, deap inhalations. Fill your longs completely. You could start with 30 inhalations in the beginning. It can feel intens.

saromi avatar

I didn’t quite understand, so 60-80 normal inhalations before holding the breath, did you mean that?

andip37 avatar

Just here to say I relate! No solution found yet, but I have been in a deep state of extreme burnout for almost 2 years. Working on healing, focusing on basic daily self care tasks (like just being consistent with hygiene), and giving myself lots of grace. Feeling very impatient just being in this waiting space, but I keep telling myself that I’m learning how to slow down and be more deliberate.

ааа_ааа avatar

You described light version of my experience

adddogtrain avatar

I am here right now. Also, if I’m able to pull myself out, I will share what works for me. 

sunnyseal avatar

Oh my gosh I relate to all of this so much. I don't have any tips but just wanted to say I know how you feel.

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