KoKo80HD avatar
1 year ago

Time Dysmorphia

I am honestly the WORST about “losing track of time” or even guesstimating how long a specific task etc. will or should take. It affects my life in so many ways. I can have an hour to take care of something in order to be on time to anything such as an important event (work/school meeting or function) and even the mundane daily tasks I should be accustom to being on time for (picking kids up from school etc.) and next thing you know it’s been 2 hours and the world is on fire (along with my phone) 🥴🥴🤦🏼‍♀️

montysworld avatar

My rule is my 5 minutes is realitys 1 hour 😂

audyadd avatar

PREACH! I am the struggle bus with this daily. I’m changing jobs and all my systems are out of whack. I plan to reblock time this week.

Kim03 avatar

Same here, lately I started to double the time that I think I will need for a task. I know it sounds super obvious, but it helps me. Also set timers. My Daughter starts in preschool in September and I’m terrified of being late all the time 🥹

cjs753 avatar

I have trouble with this as well. Mostly, I will start a task and not want to stop the momentum. I have started using visual timers (a good brand is Time Timer - they make different colors and sizes). Then I try to beat the clock. It doesn’t always happen, but at least it gives me an idea of how much time has passed

SpookyCookie avatar

You‘re not alone. This has been one of my biggest struggles in life too. I keep trying so hard to manage it but sometimes it feels like it‘s just getting worse every day🥲 I sincerely hope that one day we‘ll be able to manage time the way we wish we could. Until then, don‘t be to hard on yourself. I bet you have sooo many other personality traits that others really appreciate and/or admire. Virtual hug incoming 🤗

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