TahoeTy avatar
1 year ago

Lately I have been having trouble with getting stuck if I sit down

I’ll be stuck for hours sometimes, just on my days off when my wife isn’t home. Something about accountability pops me right up. It’s just been frustrating on my days off I will just sit in my office and think about all the things I should be doing and time drags on and then eventually I get up. But then I’m super frustrated at myself and honestly confused by the whole ordeal. Does this happen to any of you? If so what are your tricks or tips. Thanks so much

countmein avatar

I know exactly what you mean. I’ve lost days and days like that. Especially now that I’m semi retired. I often set tasks and prioritize them and then sit and think about nothing or scroll through social media, binge a Netflix series. 😩 I don’t seem to mind disappointing myself but a commitment to others I’ll keep. 🤷‍♀️ I was just going through the chapter on Procrastination on this app. Give it a listen and see if you pick up anything useful to you. I’m going to try some of what they mention.

tayla avatar

I’m the same way, friend. Listen, when my husband is gone at work, I don’t wanna do ANYTHING. I mean, why should I when he’s not around to see me workin hard and to appreciate what an awesome wife he has? However, when I know he’ll be home within an hour, the excitement of needing to “get the house clean RIGHT NOW before he gets home” always does the trick. And hey, I can clean the entire house within 30 minutes. I’m starting to think that’s okay. My advice is, if the only time you feel motivated to do productive stuff is right before your wife comes home and you can get things done fast right beforehand, then just do it that way 🤷‍♀️ But I get the whole “I shouldn’t be sitting all day long and wasting so much time” thing. If you have any family or friends around, I would invite them over everytime you don’t feel any motivation to be productive. That way, motivation will kick in so that you can get things done before your company arrives.

headbees avatar

Fantastic suggestions.

headbees avatar

Definitely happens to me. One thing that helps is to make yourself move for ANY reason. Even like, go to the fridge to get a snack. Once you’re up and moving, you have a much better chance of carrying that momentum into something useful.

steinesshopa avatar

I'll have to try that. I often lose hours sitting outside in my building's smoke pit. I sit there, thinking about how I need to get up, and still continue to sit there lol.

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