BlazN  avatar
1 year ago

Making/receiving phone calls

The phone call thing is ridiculous. I hate being on the phone. Lately there's been a huge push for me to speak on the phone.. and for HOURS AT A TIME! I've tried to explain that Im already making effort and taking huge uncomfortable steps to do this.. but, it just isn't realized how frustrating preparing for a call is. Next I'll explain that when i take the time to text a long message or discuss important topics, it MUST be written in a text message, so that I can scroll back and find pieces of the conversation that i didn't understand, they didn't understand, or, to, look for manipulation of conversation, via gaslighting or other friends of coercive control. The facts are, that once some ppl know you are effected by a condition, they will try to use that to manipulate the outcome of a situation, or deny accountability. It truly sucks.

BlazN  avatar

You should be able to get a copy of your employees handbook. I think that is standard procedures, although, most ppl skip that part. I would take this up with management. Which sounds like an impossible task. Maybe, you could write an email to them, explaining the situation, and asking for the reasonable accommodations, that you require. That way, there's less anxiety while approaching authoritative positions within your place of employment. The company must be fair, and include all employees by making sure, that everyone they've hired comprehends what is expected of them. Make your adhd comfortable enough to succeed. Ask for the accommodation.... Also, you may want to explore looking into the laws that provide reasonable accommodations to you, and place them, as a footnote to the email. I'm sure they will comply.

sk8ramps24 avatar

I hate talking on the phone to. It’s exhausting

sourlemonade avatar

This 🙌🏻 I explained my need to have access to the standard operating procedures of my place of work on paper so I could highlight and take notes. The document is HUGE i cannot remember everything after reading it once. I’m not allowed to do any of that???

its ok its adhd avatar
its ok its adhd


nicophinerine avatar

most of the time, people just dont care or even get aggressive with me and my closest family when we talk about our issues with daily “normal” things. best case, they are incredibly rude and dismissive. we still have so much work to do to educate people, but its all so exhausting

Emmadhd avatar

Especially in professional situations, it feels like they don’t want people to keep track of what they’re saying because they’re going to take advantage of you

alaskadeakin avatar

Can relate to this!!!

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