t3chnopol1c3 avatar
1 year ago

Got no meds :(

After my birthday, I saw that I just ran out of my meds. In our country, it’s really hard to get them legally, so I am the one who does this without any legal permission. Is it ok to continue with my life without meds when I have to deal with lots of things, work issues and stuff?

Nissi avatar

I don’t take adderall, I refused to when my doctor suggested. I got atomoxetine ( Strattera )prescribed and worked the only problem I experienced was drowsiness, so I would wake up early, drink it and go back to sleep for an hr or 2 so it can do it’s work. I don’t recommend to drink it before bed since you will be up by three am. At least I was like clock work each time I drank it before bed. Some people experience weight loss and severe sweating at night. Now, I’m on burpropion or Wellbutrin 150mg, it is prescribed for smoke cessation, antidepressant and adhd. Wellbutrin and Adderall belong to different drug classes. Wellbutrin is an aminoketone antidepressant and Adderall is an amphetamine. So, it might be an alternative to what you used to take if this was adderall. These other two drugs might work and are probably legal where you are.

aliona :3 avatar
aliona :3


chicken_or_egg avatar

Oh gosh, sorry for the shortage, that’s mad. But I wouldn’t take anything without speaking to my health care provider and ask the my doc for alternatives. Anything else seems way too scary to me.

adhdmusic avatar

There are so many diff meds I’ve taken adderall up to 30mg 2x daily until shortage in 2023 I switched to vyvanse not my favorite transition ever but better than nada even provigil works and some are easier to get from doctors than others

kirmesimKopf avatar

I would say, if the meds help you get you’re stuff together you should continue to take them. If you have the feeling everything went well and you can make it without - why not try it? Hope the best for you!

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