dabreeze9669 avatar
1 year ago

How Do You Take the First Step?

If you have something you have been dreading to start (something you have to do and get done), what do you do to or how do you take that first step? It seems like the first step is always the hardest. The middle is the easiest and finishing is the second hardest.

buzzbrain18 avatar

The way you described the first, middle, & last IS ME. Thank you for putting it so clearly you are def not alone

kabatty5404 avatar

For me, it was following the tips about breaking each thing you need to do into very small components and taking it one step at a time. Instead of saying "clean the kitchen" I literally break it down into unload dishes, pit dishes in washer, wipe counter tops, sweep floor, vacuum floor. I even did that with my clean the fridge chore! It helps to reduce the overwhelm for me. Some days all you can do is just one small thing, and that's OK!!

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