learning2live avatar
2 years ago

Same list- every day...

I have had the same list of to dos for at least a month. I get home from work and I don't want to do anything. Honestly, it doesn't even matter if I work, I never have the motivation. How do you guys motivate yourselves? I need tips/ideas

sooadhd avatar

I had a revelation a few days ago because I struggle with the same issue: I need new things in life, if I keep the same to do list everyday there is no room for exciting new stuff that actually makes me happy… So now I try to do something I dread first for 5 minutes only (set a timer) and then continue with something I like. Sometimes I finish the task, sometimes not… there is always 5 minutes more tomorrow…

zztopless  avatar

Sometimes it's easier to scratch the whole to do list and start over again. Chunk your tasks. When I realized my to do lists never changed I knew i needed a different set of tools. I really struggle with motivation/procrastination as well. Sending you love and solidarity

hrrrlscout avatar

I tend to have to trick myself. This weekend I tricked myself into thinking some amorphous person was going to somehow see my house in the state it’s in. And managed to clean and hang a bunch of clothes and other laundry. Then I rewarded myself with a LEGO build. 😎

Unknown avatar

Maybe reduce the list, do only one task. Sometimes knowing what you have in your list can also be a lot overwhelming. Master one task daily then after few weeks add the next & keep going

la-di-da  avatar

I try to use the mornings, 10 minutes here, ten minutes there... Sometimes it gets me in the mood

snarrlsPWT avatar

I wish I could help. I have the same problem!

MusicGamer avatar

When I get bored of my daily list, I try to add fun things into it that I can use as rewards after the main tasks are done. Plus it prioritizes actually doing things for myself that I enjoy. Wednesday nights are specifically ice cream/root beer float nights for example. It helps a lot!

Gillen76 avatar

I struggle with this too. If the tasks have been on your list for more than a month and the sky hasn’t fallen yet, maybe you should consider if the tasks actually need to be done. Maybe there not as important as you once thought? For the tasks that you decide really do need to be done, could you get someone to help? I find working with someone who is structured and focused helps me be more productive. Ideally, you could help this person with something their working on too. This way you both benefit.

Rania7 avatar

I agree with all the above. Also there are some body doubling groups or calling a friend while i do chores that helps a lot. For me body doubling, simplifying and breaking it down in ridiculously small pieces (no shame) is what helps in a healthy way. I still struggle but I don’t feel like I am gonna drown now.

focusjedi avatar

Touch Finder has been amazing. Maybe change up the names of the tasks to something entertaining...

ohmu. avatar

If you have the touch finder tool in this app, it helps you do exactly that

ohmu. avatar

I try to break it down, and start with the smallest part possible, and hope that I will keep going

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