imanxious avatar

I usually would walk my dog first, make a very structured by the “time of the day” in 20 minute intervals and then I would take a five minute break. Look up tomodoro method if you havent before, helped me get theoufh engineering school

liesel avatar

White noise on low volume to keep your overactive brain busy

stinky_yotsuba avatar

keep distractions away and be well rested

CometOfTheNights avatar

I have to work on computer for veryy long hours non-stop. Three things help me on this: 1) Television (programs that cannot distract me but I somehow like the sound of), 2)Radio (that plays in not my mother language, and somethings that I like), 3)changing my location (when I feel too overwhelmed, I pick my everything up and go to another desk, to sofa...etc) :)

katiebug904 avatar

I associate lofi music (lyric less and soothing) with working and studying. As long as it’s on I’m working. I turn it off for 20 min breaks and try to do something physical, like using a dumbbell for a few reps or pacing or LIMITING myself on tiktok. When taking notes I use the Cornell method plus highlighters and symbols. Break it into hour chunks i know i can’t sit still for two hours straight lol.

SashaTagger avatar

Brainwave entrainment sound tech

vlad.numo avatar

Breaking long hours into 3-4 chunks with pre-setted rewards (like eating a chocolate bars) really helps me. Put the reward into your site, and each time you see it it will keep you focused for this chunk of time :)

jjhinto avatar

If you print things out, try neon or colorful printer paper. Keeps adhd eyes engaged for longer. Even if it’s just a reading that’s a pdf, it helps me to print it out rather than reading from the screen.

Hanna<3 avatar

I need to leave my phone in another room, and when writing notes I try to make it more «fun». When i studied for my anotomy exam I had almost no normal notes in a book. Instead I made flashcard. That way I went through all the material and made both a question and an answer. Didn’t really use them much afterward and it took some time, but at least I read and wrote notes. So finding a way to make it more playful to do school

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