borke1997 avatar
1 year ago

Draw more

I am working 4 days a week 9-5, but I want to really get my art business going strong. I am finding it really hard on my days off to not just push things to next week (again and again and again). Does anyone have any advice??

Draw more
aliona :p avatar
aliona :p


adhdartist2023 avatar

I agree! I have 4 multimedia pieces to complete, and I haven’t found the motivation to complete them. I’m only going to hijack the client and myself. I think I need to break everything down to its littlest bit and begin there. “Complete Oscar” is way overwhelming! Maybe start with 15 minutes? Something manageable. There’s also something called Temptation Bundling - where you pair tasks that you’re struggling with with your favorite indulgence. Like…binging on YouTube videos while doing the dishes or singing to loud 80s music while you’re cleaning the house.

pinkmess avatar

I’m the same way with my art. I’ve been saying for years that I want to be able to share and sell what I do. I haven’t been able to do it, yet, but I think finding someone you trust that has good business sense would be helpful with getting your art career up and going.

jellyburn avatar

I feel you on that!! I have started writing a few books but can’t seem to get going on them again.

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