martinipug avatar
11 months ago

Organised in work but not life

Is anyone else successfully organised in one area of their life but completely useless in another area of their life? I used to be useless in all areas of life but due to anxiety/people pleasing got really organised in work, which came with pros and cons (good to get things done but also very easily leads to burnout). My personal life fell completely by the wayside but I’m using this app to try to counteract that side and find balance.

aimb0 avatar

Absolutely relate to this - my work life I’m super organised in and nobody would ever know about my adhd struggles whereas in my social and personal life it’s an absolute chaos and I often get overwhelmed too

martinipug avatar

This makes me feel so much better. I feel like an imposter sometimes like if I can sort my sh*t out in one area why can’t I do it in another area, am I just lazy etc but this app has helped me see that there are so many others who struggle with the same things and in the same way that I do, even if we all experience ADHD differently. We’re not alone! Definitely can relate to overwhelm, I really struggle with emotional overwhelm, even when I know it’s irrational the feeling can just take over.

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