ADHDMumma85 avatar
1 year ago

Being undiagnosed

Is anyone else on here undiagnosed. I’m 37 years old nearly 38 and never thought I might have ADHD, I now have 3 children all with ADHD and reading all signs in undiagnosed women I find myself always thinking that’s me. I am in the process of getting myself diagnosed as to help my children properly I need to be able to help myself first. Is there anyone else just starting out their journey I would love to hear from you and what made you decide to get tested?

BrandiTheGreat avatar

I thought I was just losing my mind. Before i realized that i had an actual neurological problem. I can't even remember to fill up my gas tank before I run completely out over and over again burned out a fuel filter. Walking for gas in the Seattle rain is bad enough that I would think I could never forget again. But alas, 2 nights ago I was on a trek, gas can in hand, to the nearest gas station at 2am. But my docs just want to continue to treat me for anxiety, depression, ptsd, and addiction like they have for the past 3 decades with no improvement!!!!

BrandiTheGreat avatar

Right there with you. Waiting for the VA to decide that I can go outside for treatment since they don't have anyone to diagnose or treat ADHD. I'm 44 and just figured out that I have ADHD this year!! It makes so much sense now! Hope I can get help soon. It's frustrating when others seem to be the only ones who can make all the decisions for you while youth just sit around and wait....

crazybrainJane avatar

I'm 51 and have been told the waiting time for diagnosis is 2.5 YEARS!!! I can't afford to go private as I have chronic health issues and have just lost my am trying EVERYTHING I can to support me in the meantime

anxiousashley avatar

I’m 33 and undiagnosed. My oldest, 10 yrs, was diagnosed a few years ago- and there’s a chance my youngest is on the spectrum. I’ve been struggling quite badly since I had my youngest nearly 3 years ago. Recently I’ve plugged into the idea that I may be undiagnosed ADHD and a lot of things began making sense. Looking back, I think I was able to mask so many symptoms.. and eventually having my second kiddo has required that I find new strategies = struggle bus. However, I do also struggle with anxiety and depression quite badly. I’m in the process of finding a new family doctor, so I’ve not yet asked for a referral to get a proper diagnosis. Wow, that was quite a bit. Sorry! But it does feel good to talk about it! 😅

trixienixie avatar

Recently diagnosed a few months ago at 43. Figured it out by a friend who had been diagnosed helping and year later, tik toks and fb. Got an assessment and scored high. On low doses of meds now to help with anxiety and adhd, seems to help. Trying to find the right meds and dosages.

adbeau avatar

Me! I’m 46, and have all the signs of inattentive, but my doc is dismissive. So, I’m using apps and reading about strategies to try to help myself.

stefka13x avatar

Got diagnosed a few months ago and suggested to get screened for ASD. Symptoms are experienced differently with women and it isn't rare for women to go undiagnosed into adulthood I am 32. Got the diagnosis because it's become a nightmare with professionals without the paperwork.

Mzmoonshine avatar

Hi. Yes - I’m 43 and undiagnosed but my second son is now diagnosed. ( last year aged 18) Many of our generation are only now getting diagnosed because of our children’s diagnoses. I believe 2 of my other children also have ADHD , possibly autism in my daughter , and possibly AS in my youngest son. But we all seem to be relatively high functioning/ lower end of the spectrum, and I’ve never had much trust or respect for these ‘doctors’ because all they ever seem to want to do is prescribe pharmaceuticals….. but everyday I’m learning more about all these ND ‘disorders’ and traits, as part of the very first generation of parents to do so. And my son is actually educating me too! ❤️ Our gen were completely ignored by our elders in every sense, and yet are now having to parent themselves and their own kids through ND and the beginning of the technological age , with no prior experience from our own parents to lean on at all, so it’s no suprise that in many instances it’s being found that the kids are the ones teaching and helping us.

ADHDMumma85 avatar

My daughter is 16 and masked until her periods started we believe she is ADHD and BPD but still waiting for diagnosis. My twins have both got ADHD only 1 diagnosed but he also has ASD and GDD so it was picked up a lot earlier when he was 5 and his twin is on the waiting list for ND pathway. I also have a 14 month old baby who we believe has ASD and I’m 32 weeks pregnant. I’ve said no more children anymore. I’m low functioning and at the moment seem to be on a complete standstill. I have found this app and hoping to find ways to help myself so I can best help my children

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