vintagevixen avatar
11 months ago

Any other self-employeds?

I am self-employed, it’s really the only way that I am able to keep a job, especially the last few years after quite a few major traumatic events. I’m in the beginning stages of launching a podcast specifically for Neurospicy Entrepreneurs - did you know we are 50% more likely to be self-employed?? It kinda makes sense I guess - I can have multiple income streams at once and be in control of everything without having to rely or take direction from someone else. I’d love to know what you do as a self-employed person, and what income streams you have going, in particular passive income streams that you set up and then can totally forget and it just keeps generating income.

cgriner avatar

What are some good business ideas for people who suck at time management

vanluna avatar

Struggle bus with owning my own business and juggling multiple contracts, staying on top of deadlines and fleshing out new proposals. Basically all the things.


Feeeel you there 🙋‍♀️

msp3000 avatar

I have been self-employed for the last seven years. I do not have a problem with authority but with cocksuckers and morons. Cannot stand them close to me.

vintagevixen avatar

I totally feel you! Even before I had a diagnosis or a thought of a diagnosis, I knew that for me to be able to succeed in a job, I had to be the only person who could do that particular job and it would be impossible, or very difficult to replace me last minute. Job security has been a huge motivator for me.

msp3000 avatar

I don't care too much about secure income as I do for my sanity.

goddesofchaos avatar

I'm new here, but it all resonates with me. I'm recently diagnosed and trying to get a handle on it. I'm also eight months out of an abusive relationship, trying to get back on my feet. I excel at every employment I've ever had. Until they put to much pressure and responsibilities on me, cause I overachieve. 🙄 So I drive Uber Eats and just started a sewing business. Uber Eats works cause I'm constantly chasing the dopamine. If I'm consistent (wait, squirrel) um......... Oh I can do $80-$150 in a day, depending on how many spoons I use. 😁

camelshavetoes avatar

I’ve never been able to last at a job for more than two years because I’m too defiant. I don’t like being told what to do or how to do it. That’s a problem in the workplace 🤣🤣. I have been self employed (hustling) for almost 30 years. I’m also an artist.

ashyvonne avatar


hippiecowgirl23 avatar

How do you stay self-disciplined and motivated to actually run and succeed in self-employment? I've tried a home-based business and encountered the same issues as my couple online college classes...I can't focus and stay disciplined at home in my "comfort zone"

hippiecowgirl23 avatar

I gotcha! That makes sense. I found with my business that I had to take my laptop to a coffee shop or something too if I wanted to actually accomplish anything. I'm working a couple part-time jobs along with being Mom right now, but I need something more sustainable and yet still flexible...having a hard time finding that!

vintagevixen avatar

I don’t typically work from home actually! I have a small retail shop, but even before that if I had to do computer work or have a meeting, I would go to a coffee shop or the library so that I am not sitting in my house getting distracted by my cats.

CGCrimsonLily avatar

I do Uber and I help seniors stay at home longer with a one on one client caregiver thing… I can set my own schedule with both jobs. Uber is easy to start when I feel like it but if I want money I need to keep it up more frequently. Other big office jobs I have had like call centers, I have felt as just one in a hundred of drones who can do the same thing. Too easy to feel unneeded and lose discipline to attend daily if I lose interest. My senior helper job, there is no one to replace me. If my client has a doc appointment, they miss out it I back out. Or, they could fall trying to get in and out of a shower themselves. Because I am needed, and I set my own schedule ahead of time, this works as a non self-employed reliability trainer type job.

anappletree avatar

I am self employed doing graphic design and web development. I sell hosting to my web clients. Would love some other passive income but everything else I've thought of is too much work to get set up 😒

vintagevixen avatar

I hear you with the too much work! This is the primary reason the podcast hasn’t launched yet - I don’t really know how to do it, and I get distracted trying to research it.

kerfufflekins avatar

My wife and I left our corporate jobs and started our business. We've both had issues with the higher ups.

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