crazycat avatar
5 months ago

ADHD cooking

I am finding it very hard to cook my meals. Especially want to increase my protein intake.. any hacks..

SasoAlyan avatar

I guess fixing a day to prepare your protein meals just to be ready for the cooking

bobinsky avatar

I listen to an audiobook when cooking, so if I want to hear another chapter, I need to cook.

Arfinha avatar

sedtzl avatar

Chia seeds- put a tblsp in liquid like milk It can be any liquid even water Add any flavorings you want Chocolate Sweetener Fruit Oats cooked Put in fridge Wait about 2 hours for it to absorb Do it the night before if for breakfast

hecticfinch avatar

I usually eat high protein low carb pudding when I'm starving but have no appetite nor willpower to cook. You could also try protein bars. Or I just force myself to crack a few eggs in a non stick pan and have them scrambled with some salt, takes no time and I eat out of the pan once it cools

squirrelAF avatar

I joke that I eat like a toddler but it helps me to have quick snacks I can grab and not think about. So even if I don’t eat a “meal” I have snacked all day… it helps with consistent protein intake and leveling blood sugar throughout the day. I have trouble getting started cooking a meal bc nothing ever sounds good (my stimulant effects my appetite) so if I take the pressure off myself to decide and cook a whole ass meal, I don’t punish myself mentally for not doing it but I am still fueling my body with protein shakes, peanut butter, oatmeal, cheese sandwiches, applesauce pouches. Toddler food. 😊

lanceelyot avatar

We use Hellofresh, but it may not be in everyone's budget. One thing you can try is pick a healthy carb, a healthy protein, and a healthy veg that can be combined in many different ways. Then you cook a bunch of it before the week begins and use it as the cornerstone of different meals.

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