strugglebusMD avatar
1 year ago

Hygiene struggles

Anyone else who struggles with daily hygiene tasks? Why is it so hard to get motivated around these things that seem so basic for other people?? Any tips or things that have helped you? Adding it to my task list has helped a lot- but I wish I had more intrinsic motivation to shower/brush teeth/wash face/etc

carebehr8 avatar

I have similar issues. It’s not so much the shower part but the work I have to do afterwards. (Styling hair, makeup, etc.) I put a playlist on and challenge myself to finish before the playlist is over. Then it feels like a game to me and I like to win.

DeyDuBu avatar

Nice tip! I will also try, specially dealing with face routines 🫠!

lidhd avatar

A friend of mine used to listen to Pump Up The Jam by Technotronic and shower through one song cycle - she called it a Power Shower

adhdartist2023 avatar

There are some awesome waterless and rinse-less shampoos/conditioners and body washes available on Amazon. Brands like CleanRinse, Rinseless, Drench, Medicosa, and Nurture. They're used everywhere from hospitals to campsites. On days when hygiene is difficult, make it easier on yourself. 🥰🥰🥰

adhdartist2023 avatar

And hair products that are meant to be left in and even slept on. My hair is fine and can get poofy. These have worked where thousands of others have not. Bumble and Bumble unBlowdry and Hairstory The Balm.

SushiMarioBros  avatar

Yeah I struggle to motivate myself to brush my teeth, and I talk myself out of showering as often as I should.

kirsty 36 avatar
kirsty 36

I have a problem with brushing my hair, I wash my hair in the bath (prob once a week- pls don't judge) brush it then and put in a mum bun and after that every day u till I bath again I will just redo the bun wirhbrushing so I end up with matted hair

nimgirl🌸 avatar

You can braid your hair when you’re tired of the bun 💕

mychaoticself avatar

You are definitely not the only one! I have to have somewhere to go in order to actually get myself to shower and brush my teeth. Watching off make-up in the evening is only by chance. If I go to pee I will brush my teeth at the same time and when I'm already brushing my teeth and get the urge to wash my face I have to stop mid brush to do it or it won't happen.

themelonlord avatar

I can only brush my teeth if a video is playing on the tv

michelle-bomil@ avatar

With me, I do need to gather the motivation to do most hygiene practices. I can say that my cleaning is worse! It’s not dirty, I clean and it gets cluttered. I do not have any energy or motivation. If I’m not working I’m in bed. Anyone else always in bed?

DeyDuBu avatar

That sounds a lot like me, and two kids, I just pass by it, and think… “yeah, laterz… then I will have time, now tired, bed plz”

JessD89 avatar

Showering is a huge issue in my life! By the time I get around to it, 3-5 days, I can easily be in there for 2+ hours! This irritates my partner and others living in our household causing me to once again push it off and repeat this cycle 😕

carrotlime avatar

I struggle so much with showering. For some reason it is the most monumental task.

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

I am right there with you! It feels so overwhelming and like so much effort to then go out in public (ewww). I noticed when I gained or lost weight so my clothes didn’t fit, I wanted to go out less. Now that I’m post divorce and practicing self care, it has been easier, but I’ll still go a 3-4 day stretch with a shower. Have to brush my teeth though. Now that I’ve been using the app for 3 weeks I will say, the rewards in this app have helped me to prioritizing showers more.

arieladhd avatar

I can go days without showering. Sometimes it feels like a big momentous task that I don’t have time for. But I have lots of time, so that’s just my perception. I have an electric toothbrush which I love so I am religious about brushing and also flossing, which I do every day. I can’t sleep if I don’t floss!

labrat91890 avatar

My gf and I take baths together and that is my dopamine for that task and after we get out of the bath we brush our teeth and I keep a tooth brush at work so if I forget in the morning rush I can still brush them but having her there after the bath to brush my teeth keeps me accountable.

buzzbrain18 avatar

Keeping one at work is brilliant I never would’ve thought of that!!

daisyfae avatar

I have the same struggles. Always have. I recently got a calendar that I keep right outside my bathroom and some stickers that I like, and I’ve started adding a sticker to the day when I remember to brush my teeth and do other important hygiene tasks. It’s definitely a very “immature” way to handle it, but I’ve been doing better since I started. The reason we struggle with it is because it is a boring task with virtually no dopamine payoff involved. So, my thought was to add the dopamine myself with the reward of a pretty little sticker and a constant visual reminder of my positive choices. Does it feel a bit like I’m a kindergartner getting a gold star sticker at the end of the day? Yes, definitely. I was embarrassed at first that I had to resort to such a juvenile tactic, but dopamine hacking is necessary for us ADHD humans to function. 🤷🏻‍♀️

buzzbrain18 avatar

Immature?? No such thing! With adhd brains, if it works, it works!! No harm no foul whatsoever. Go you for finding a way that works for your brain! 🧠

ihateadhd13 avatar

me too

Kaos.Theory avatar

I've struggled with this same problem for years but about 9 months ago i had the idea to try using a shower steamer daily. And I've found I now look forward to having a shower as well as staying in for longer Instead of wanting to jump straight out. There's so many different ones/scents to choose from but I get mine from my local Woolworths (Aus) however you can get them online as well I'll post a screenshots of the ones I use Hopefully it helps!

K8ty2610 avatar

I believe it’s like a bath bomb for the shower kinda. The water makes them fizzle releasing an aroma. I’ve seen them advertised to people who are congested. They also have relaxing ones with essential oil aromas

arieladhd avatar

What is a shower steamer?

RebeccaJean avatar

I have the same trouble. Always have. Now my son has it too.

puddin14 avatar

I think the only answer I have is either live in a hot state or imagine your crush and or someone really important is coming over in a half hour 🙀🪥🦷🧼🚿🧽🛀🌹⏱️

keeks85 avatar

I’m in the same boat 😫 I have no idea on how to motivate myself to do these things either. It sucks x

puddin14 avatar

I completely understand this and glad you asked cause I thought about asking the same thing…. I haven’t quite figured it out to be honest… but I’m in your boat with you.. so you aren’t alone!!! 🤷‍♀️ I agree adding to the task list def helps for sure… I wish I had a better answer for you though!

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