Relationship advice needed!!
I’m sorry if this comes out as a rant, but I’m mentally done and I have no idea what to do anymore.. Past relationships I’ve found I’ve always been somebody’s temp until they found the right person. A horrible mix of past trauma growing up and other relationships.. my last relationship I was cheated on, lied to, has lighted, and manipulated to think it was me being “crazy”. Until I got my proof, then it was “im sorry” “I’m a piece of shit”. That was left in the past 7 months ago. Im now seeing a different guy, but it feels the same.. he’s never taken me out on a proper date yet, I’ve mentioned this a month ago and he still hasn’t (as he said he would). I only get to see him for a few hours at night (we both have kids though). If I don’t respond within an hour he will text me 4-5 times in a row questioning what I’m doing and what I have been doing. Yet I’ve never once done that to him. It feels as soon as I play hard to get or feels like he’s losing me, I’m just being told what I want to hear. I noticed his he’s been mainly following girls on instagram and I mean 90%… He’ll tell me I’m over thinking and say all these amazing sweet things to make me feel better and reassure me. Then after a few hours or so I’m rethinking again on my worth, and what this even is. I feel like I’m caught in a vicious circle that is extremely hard to break. I know it’s as easy as talking to the person and communicating, but how do you do that when you’ve been lied to about this stuff before? When you want to trust but are struggling? Knowing if you’re over thinking and causing an issue that may not even be there?? I don’t know if it’s me or not anymore :(